The new, quantum-resilient Web 3.0 is the latest phase of the internet's evolution. It is designed to be capable of delivering a more private, resilient, faster and more personalized user experience. Built using a combination of artificial intelligence, machine learning, the semantic web (as termed by Tim Berners-Lee) and blockchain security to keep information safe and secure, Web 3.0 will be more intelligent, delivering rich search results more quickly. Although people may think this is just a trend, some elements of Web 3.0 are already in use.
Web 1.0 sites (1989-2005) were the earliest stage in the development of the world wide web (WWW), built mostly for personal use and consisted of static pages hosted with read-only functionality. At this time, Google and Internet Explorer were two of the earliest search engines that provided results based on the users' search for information in the browser. Web 2.0 sites (2005-present) were the second stage of development of the WWW and are known as dynamic, with user-generated content and the growth of social media.
Web 3.0, which had been in progress for quite some time now, is being built on four principles: openness, trustless, permissionless and ubiquitousness. This means that decentralization is at the center of this latest version of the web and that data will be connected in a decentralized way. Unlike Web 2.0 where data is stored in centralized storage locations, Web 3.0 users will be able to interact with data using artificial intelligence and machine learning technology.
Open web means no one service or source controls what restricts the information or data on the web. Theta network is a good example of this next-level web, using blockchain-powered content delivery platforms for creating, publishing and sharing content. Another advantage of using this blockchain solution is that all of the data on the network can be tokenized, giving users an opportunity to be rewarded and compensated based on the value of the data to the individual who owns and controls it.
When we refer to the principle of being trustless, we are talking about a transaction. An example of this would be sending a cryptocoin directly to another person. This transaction is controlled by a quantum-resilient blockchain algorithm and post-quantum encryption, with little to no chance that anyone can interfere. DEIP CEO Alex Shkor noted in a BeInCrypto article that Web 3.0's decentralization "promotes more transactions and engagement between peers." Our history with cryptocurrencies has taught us that we can engage and transact through smart cards and NFTs where we can prove ownership and relationships, and Siri has shown us that distributed AI built on top of decentralized data structures can give us tools to ease our daily life. New forms of identity owned by people themselves are driving a concept of privacy and ownership.
It also creates a mechanism for a much more open dialogue between parties and without borders. The latest example we've seen is the application of the Web 3.0 decentralized infrastructure to provide internet and communications where eQualit.ie created decentralized infrastructures in hard-to-reach locations and prevented outages and failures, resulting in maintained connectivity to the outside world.
Permissionless Web 3.0 is the idea that control and ownership of data and its privacy are given to the data owner, preventing (to some extent) corporations from owning it or government regulations from controlling it. As mentioned in trustless, permissionless means that neither party in a transaction or interaction needs or requires permission from a third party (such as a service provider or government) before it can take place.
When Web 3.0 is finally available, we will be able to access the web from any place and at any time, making this a ubiquitous aspect of Web 3.0 thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT refers to physical objects or devices embedded with sensors, software and other technology integrations. These objects and devices can connect and exchange data with other connected devices and systems through the internet. Examples of these connected devices include Fitbits, car navigation systems, Siri, home security systems and even self-driving cars.
Blockchain technologies, NFTs and cryptocurrencies are dominating the headlines more than ever these days. Thanks to companies like Apple, we are thinking "different" rather than "differently" when it comes to commonly used terms such as "hard wallet," "soft wallet" or "Bitcoin." These words are included in the blockchain trustless technology and are seen as being the ideal objective when we read about marketing and bringing Web 3.0 to life. However, how do we obtain true privacy from prying eyes and attackers once we have access to this smarter web?
We've observed from Web 2.0 that many companies creating applications also use them to collect data, access it and control it—regardless of the individual's desire to keep that data private. Many of these same companies failed to protect our private and confidential data, as evident by the growing number of breaches. Due to these practices, that confidential data is not safe, private or adequately protected from entities that would misuse it. MACH37 notes that "with centralized servers, it is easy for governments to intervene, control, or shut down applications as they see fit" and that Web 3.0 "aims to solve many of these shortcomings by fundamentally rethinking how we architect and interact with applications from the ground up."
How we keep that principle of privacy is in the application of security. When we exchange information in a trust relationship, we also must ensure that it is safe from unauthorized eyes—whether they're attackers, governments or corporations. To that end, we need to continue the development of future-proof technologies to power the open Web 3.0 with quantum-resilient communication channels and data protection methods, protocols that are faster and more resilient, and better methods to maintain data confidentiality.
Cyber Security, Encryption, and Cryptographic Risk